Not Too Deep with Grace Helbig

Elliott Morgan

Episode Summary

Hilarious YouTuber, comedian, host, and all-around entertaining human being Elliott Morgan stopped by for this week’s podcast, and I couldn't be more excited. We covered a lot of ground in this episode, including why bunny rabbits can only have desk jobs, why 90s Nickelodeon game shows are (still) THE BEST, and which Jenner family member he would choose to fart in front of, marry, or be kidnapped by. This is a super-sized episode, so let's bedazzle some neck braces, pee next to The Rock, and DO THIS. - Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsors: Squarespace and Loot Crate. Please go support them so they continue to support us!

Episode Notes

Hilarious YouTuber, comedian, host, and all-around entertaining human being Elliott Morgan stopped by for this week’s podcast, and I couldn't be more excited. We covered a lot of ground in this episode, including why bunny rabbits can only have desk jobs, why 90s Nickelodeon game shows are (still) THE BEST, and which Jenner family member he would choose to fart in front of, marry, or be kidnapped by. This is a super-sized episode, so let's bedazzle some neck braces, pee next to The Rock, and DO THIS.
- Please remember that this episode is brought to you for free by our extremely generous sponsors: Squarespace and Loot Crate. Please go support them so they continue to support us!